Ferrari F40  |  Spotted in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Ferrari F40 spotted in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Details on This Ferrari F40:

  • Location
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Description
    What a sick sight! Ferrari F40 following a F50! The f50 is owned by @azzurrodino and the F40 by @tlu_7. It's just too sick to see these on the the road together especially with their amazing sounds. Video:
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    ferrari f40 f40 dubai red yellow  
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Comments (24 total)
@loislois76 I knew it didn't have things like power steering and a stereo, but I seriously did not know it actually had A/C. I imagine it couldn't have worked very well on a really hot day because of the heat from the engine. Thanks for the info!
Posted:  06/16/2016 16:20:50
@ ThePattonTank: Sorry to contradict you but you're wrong. The Ferrari F40 did have air conditioning. It was necessary due to the heat in the passenger compartment produced by the engine. It was perhaps the only extra.
On the other hand, this car as a street legal race car - as you said - did not have superfluous features like a sound system, door handles, glove box, carpets,door panels, leather seats ...
Posted:  06/16/2016 05:32:46
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One of the most beautiful Ferraris ever made in my opinion, but I feel bad for the owner/driver of this automobile for one reason. The F40 was designed as a street legal race car, and among other things it did not have air-conditioning. In the UAE, where this photo was taken, A/C is pretty much obligatory almost all year long. I'm guessing it was fairly cool when you took this photo since it October and nighttime.
Posted:  06/12/2016 03:48:43
made it 80, good spot
Posted:  11/13/2015 14:08:15
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Congrats on EC!! Well deserved.
Posted:  10/22/2015 17:14:43
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Congrats for EC buddy
Posted:  10/22/2015 11:47:21
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Amazing shot !!!
Posted:  10/22/2015 11:21:13
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Incredible shot Linus!! I want both, double the fun & excitement;)!! L/F
Posted:  10/20/2015 16:37:55
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A rare L/F from me!!! This is one of my top 5 pictures on the site!!! Yellow F50 is like my dream car to spot!!!
Posted:  10/20/2015 14:01:49
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F40 is THE supercar. F50, P1, 918, LaFerrari, Paganis, Koenigseggs, Aventador...don't have the slightest chance against it
Posted:  10/20/2015 10:33:32
Posted:  10/20/2015 05:58:55
Wait for it.... INSAAAANE combo! One of my best combos was TWO F50s together! That was over at Carmel during the Car Week and my whole body was shaking seeing them! LOL
Posted:  10/20/2015 02:57:32
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daaamn awesome spot f50 for me L+F
Posted:  10/20/2015 01:56:30
Wow! I'd have to go with the F40 and the F50.
Posted:  10/20/2015 01:56:20
You got a link for higher quality shot?? I want this as my new background photo for my iPad!
Posted:  10/20/2015 01:26:55
This needs to be EC, wonderful shot!!! L/F
Posted:  10/20/2015 00:38:02
Insane combo! F40 any day.
Posted:  10/19/2015 22:17:52
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INCREDIBLE SHOT!! LaFerrari (The Ferrari) for me.
Posted:  10/19/2015 21:50:01
Just insane! L/F from me no doubt.
Posted:  10/19/2015 20:58:20
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