Bugatti Veyron  |  Spotted in Beverly Hills, California

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Bugatti Veyron spotted in Beverly Hills, California

Details on This Bugatti Veyron:

  • Location
    Beverly Hills, California
  • Description
    Bijan's famous Bugatti Veyron on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. This is probably the worst-treated Bugatti in the world. People are always touching it and leaning on it. There were some kids that were actually SITTING on the front. Like FEET OFF THE GROUND.
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  • Tags
    bijan   los angeles   la   yellow   black   rodeo   dr   drive  
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  • Last active: 31 August 2022, 06:51
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Comments (17 total)
Haha we are definitely thinking on the same level!!
Posted:  01/26/2014 03:09:26
Lol have it hooked up to the key fob and have it real loud.
Posted:  01/25/2014 20:47:49
I can just see some people hopping up on top to sit on the rear spoiler and breaking the hydraulics... Id have one of those loud alarms that says in the robot voice "Please step away form the vehicle" haha
Posted:  01/25/2014 05:37:26
The owner's son is the new owner. Very friendly guy.
Posted:  01/27/2013 09:38:09
 1 like
Well the owner's dead...
Posted:  01/27/2013 01:48:26
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Very popular Veyron and the owner is very friendly. You can see him on YouTube talking to people about the car and never minds people touching it.
Posted:  01/24/2013 12:53:13
common not again this Bugatti,it seems that there is no other Bugatti in Rodeo Drive execept this one, every person go to Rodeo Drive take photo of this Bugatti. and then they upload it to this site,it become so popular in this site.
now, every time i see this Bugatti i began to hate more and more
Posted:  01/22/2013 04:51:18
I'd rather see the same exotic car 100 times than pics of Mustangs, Corvettes and Porsche Boxters on this site. This is still awesome.
Posted:  01/21/2013 21:40:56
@Veyron H8TR: In my defense, this was taken almost a year ago, before I knew about it. So I didn't know it would be there. So it counts.
Posted:  01/21/2013 20:54:02
Posted:  01/21/2013 19:39:39
Posted:  01/21/2013 16:16:11
Yeah, I think it's like his son or his employees that drive it now.
Posted:  01/21/2013 16:14:43
but didnt bijan die?

so who drives it?
Posted:  01/21/2013 16:03:38
I think it leaves every night and comes back every morning. Unless another one of his cars is there.
Posted:  01/21/2013 16:02:27
when will they move it?

or when will somebody steal it?
Posted:  01/21/2013 14:15:37
Posted:  01/21/2013 07:36:34
no matters how many times it's here...Bijan Veyron is still great...
Posted:  01/21/2013 07:05:15
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