Shelby Cobra  |  Spotted in Hershey, Pennsylvania

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Shelby Cobra spotted in Hershey, Pennsylvania

Details on This Shelby Cobra:

  • Location
    Hershey, Pennsylvania
  • Description
    Believe it or not this is an original Shelby in valet. To make it way better, the valet came over and informed me that this used to be Mr. Shelby's personal car! Amazing! This has to be my best spot ever! How do I get this thing featured?
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    Red Shelby Cobra  
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  • Last active: 26 July 2021, 23:11
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Comments (4 total)
Thanks guys, I knew it was a real Cobra, but didn't know how special this car really was until I talked to the one guy!
Posted:  10/13/2012 14:33:42
It is, it is all original and the valet guy was the one who told me it was Carrol Shelby's
Posted:  10/13/2012 14:14:59
that dosent liik like a real cobra...
Posted:  10/13/2012 13:42:26
 1 like
How do I get this featured? It was Mr. Shelby's personal Cobra!
Posted:  10/13/2012 12:47:34
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