Porsche 911  |  Spotted in Chicago, Illinois

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Porsche 911 spotted in Chicago, Illinois

Details on This Porsche 911:

  • Location
    Chicago, Illinois
  • Description
    i was just looking at these Porsches parked on rush street, then, the valet pulled the 911 right behind the panamera, so i thought it would make a nice little combo, i wouldnt post either of them alone, though.
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Comments (13 total)
I meant I posted it because there were two Porsches there, and there's a 911 category, so I figured why not?
Posted:  07/23/2013 12:02:15
but nobody likes panemeras....they're ugly
Posted:  07/23/2013 09:49:54
The panamera was the only reason I took this one, because I don't post non-turbo 911s except for nice little combos like this one.
Posted:  07/18/2013 13:07:23
i happen to like this very much. remove the panamera, its perfect.
Posted:  07/18/2013 11:15:20
You're one to talk Jason
Posted:  07/09/2013 20:18:23
I like sharing pictures on here, all there is to it, And besides, I USED TO post 911s all the time, and this is the only one I plan on posting, and its not like its a mere 996 carrera, its a 997 2 targa 4S. Just gonna say this, it's people like you that made me delete my old account.
Posted:  07/09/2013 20:17:36
Zonka, shut up, I've dealt with enough bullcrap for one day
Posted:  07/09/2013 20:15:13
 1 like
My uncle lives in western Illinois and he OWNS a Model S and his neighbors own lots of nice stuff
Posted:  07/09/2013 20:11:33
That's not the point, I posted this because its not something I see every day, me living in western Illinois. And, because I enjoy sharing pics of cars I like with you guys, I just hope you know, I looked at your profile, and you have posted 911s And M5s, so I don't think you have any room to tell me this needs removed. Just sayin its staying up, report it if you want, I don't care
Posted:  07/09/2013 20:07:25
yes but no one cares about pictures like these
Posted:  07/09/2013 20:01:45
I will not remove this for one very good reason, if there's a category, its perfectly legal and this picture follows all rules. And if you can post M5s on here, I think 911s are ok.
Posted:  07/09/2013 20:00:23
please remove. not exotic
Posted:  07/09/2013 19:48:47
i want a panamera
Posted:  07/09/2013 19:45:05
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