Other Other  |  Spotted in Potomac, Maryland

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Other Other spotted in Potomac, Maryland

Details on This Other Other:

  • Location
    Potomac, Maryland
  • Description
    SL63 AMG. In Potomac Village on Falls Road at River Road .
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    Mercedes Benz gray SL 63 AMG Potomac Maryland  
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  • Spotter's rating: 371 (What's This?)
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  • Last active: 07 November 2016, 19:28
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Comments (2 total)
Thanks for the info! (Great find BTW)
Posted:  02/04/2016 12:35:45
Jack, a few things. 1st: The facts: Hold my breath, IPhone 5 (occasionally a Nikon DSLR), PS (Photoshop) Express App, 'Haze' Look (this photo is the first time I've used Haze, I think). I have other reliable Looks. Every photo has different qualities so I don't have a standard formula. I play w. all the sliders that may apply (I have some favorites). I can always back out, or start over, or I don't have to save what I do. Now you can do it, too. Now you know the same sh*t I do. There are many other photo Apps, ask around, find out other's go to Apps. Just remember to experiment, have fun, & take notes if it helps. 2nd: What's the difference between knowing sh*t & not knowing sh*t? I've never understood that. You must know something, you've still got me beat by several points, but I may be gaining on you. I remember, not so long ago, when I did, or did not, know Shinola. My first edits were, uh, uneven, & I was justly & kindly critisizzled by other spotters. My edits have improved with each attempt, mostly. It's not so technical, it's fun. 3rd: It always hurts me a little bit when I hear someone criticize themselves or their work, unless the context is a critique where the business at hand is constructive criticism, with some guidance. It hurts because there is a world out there just waiting to do that for/to you. Don't be the first one. Learn to keep your mouth shut, listen-up, you'll probably be pleasantly surprised. I must say that I find this community of spotters extremely positive & helpful, making only kind, positive & encouraging remarks. I hope I haven't been too heavy handed. We're all the same, only different. We all know some S, don't know other S, the details vary. Try to be more aware of what you do know than what you have yet to learn. I hope this is helpful & you won't criticize me for not minding my own business. J.J.
Posted:  02/04/2016 04:08:28
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