Nissan GT-R  |  Spotted in Roslindale, Massachusetts

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Nissan GT-R spotted in Roslindale, Massachusetts

Details on This Nissan GT-R:

  • Location
    Roslindale, Massachusetts
  • Description
    If it's not exotic enough I'll take it down. I just thought the shot was cool, and I've never seen anything remotely exotic where I live in the 2+ years I've lived here.
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  • Last active: 30 January 2018, 12:04
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Comments (5 total)
When everyone posts Ferraris and I expect to get 2 likes when I post these LOL. Thanks!
Posted:  06/25/2014 21:03:19
 1 like
Lol since when is a GT-R "not exotic?"

Superb shot. L/F from me!
Posted:  06/24/2014 19:14:50
Thanks Christian! The color really is pretty.
Posted:  06/24/2014 10:26:04
That silver is looking really good.
Posted:  06/23/2014 15:23:13
GT-R's are definitely exotic to me. Beautiful shot!
Posted:  06/23/2014 15:21:21
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