Lexus LC 500  |  Spotted in Raleigh, North Carolina

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Lexus LC 500 spotted in Raleigh, North Carolina

Details on This Lexus LC 500:

  • Location
    Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Description
    Wasn't sure if these were allowed, but I guess they didn't add an LC500 category for nothing. I found this LC500 in an apartment parking lot at the end of St. Mary's St at the edge of downtown. This is the only LC500 I've seen in person so far. The color was unbelievable in person.
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    red   lexus   lc500   st mary's st   raleigh   nc  
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Comments (9 total)
Personally I've always been a fan of the new Lexus models. At first I found the car that really started the new Lexus style (Lexus IS back in 2013) hideous. But something about it, especially the F-Sport trim, grew on me and then I sat in one and I could've been sold right there. The RCF and GSF are definitely a favorite of mine in the right specs, they're also old school which many people hate about them but it's what I love about them. Lexus LC just looks sculpted to me. I wasn't sold at first but now I can't really find anything I dislike about it save for the slightly bulky proportions of the rear but that's regulations.
Posted:  08/02/2017 14:52:01
I don't think the LC (or any other current Lexus, for that matter) is the most beautiful car in the traditional sense of the word. But it is definitely one of the most stunning cars I think I've ever seen in person. I guess it's sort of like the i8.
Posted:  08/02/2017 03:03:02
Wow, I think I'm the only one on this site who doesn't like the looks of this car. Haven't been a fan, even after seeing one in person. They seem pretty rare as of right now though, as I've only seen one, and it was at a car show.
Posted:  08/02/2017 02:20:11
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Thanks man! I'm just glad they stuck (mostly) with the original design presented on the concept.
Posted:  07/29/2017 15:40:25
Great shot Nick, L/F for sure!! I'm honestly amazed it took them as long as it did to reveal this, the demand was certainly high enough.
Posted:  07/29/2017 15:37:20
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Thanks guys! I was super surprised to see one of these so soon in Raleigh, as it usually takes a while to spot newer exotics in Raleigh. I think this would look awesome in blue as well.
Posted:  07/28/2017 22:46:24
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This car is definitely unbelievable in person. I've been so eager to spot one and they've been rolling out of our local Lexus dealers lots like hot cakes so I'm sure I'll see one soon. I've only seen two at shows so far and just mmm they look great.
Posted:  07/28/2017 20:28:03
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Beautiful shot and spot
Posted:  07/28/2017 16:49:03
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I certainly think it's worthy of ES, these things are stunning.
Posted:  07/28/2017 14:51:37
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