Lamborghini Gallardo  |  Spotted in Nashville, Tennessee

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Lamborghini Gallardo spotted in Nashville, Tennessee

Details on This Lamborghini Gallardo:

  • Location
    Nashville, Tennessee
  • Description
    Lamborghini UGR Gallardo shooting flames on I840
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Comments (65 total)
i used to like rock, then all the bands i liked got terrible so i switched to rap.
Posted:  09/27/2012 22:12:29
Classic Rock and Some Modern Rock for me
Posted:  09/27/2012 22:12:19
 1 like
rap is the best
Posted:  09/27/2012 22:09:51
 1 like
sound exactly how i am though. got yelled at in drivers ed all the time for the one handed steering wheel top grip lean back chair all the way with hand out window kind of driving. lol. but she wouldn't let me change the country music(i hate country!!!)
Posted:  09/27/2012 22:09:24
I AGREE. Its always a bunch of s*** music too
Posted:  09/27/2012 22:04:31
it was lime green

and i'm not exactly sure but it was probably either that or button flamethrowers.
Posted:  09/27/2012 21:50:00
@DjShift: Did he have the exhaust spark plugged? Classic muscle car trick!
Posted:  09/27/2012 21:38:46
@davis313, yeah, probably was the same one then because thats exactly what it was.
i've seen the owner twice now and he loves doing burnouts and shooting flames when he knows people are looking.
Posted:  09/27/2012 21:35:18
Favorited. This pic is just awesome, and if it weren't for the other car in the distance, this would be perfect for a calendar or poster shot.
Posted:  09/27/2012 21:35:13
i've seen a classic Buick shoot flames before.
Posted:  09/27/2012 21:26:20
i saw a lambo shoot flames, too bad i was not able to get a pic of it when it did, but there are 8 exhaust pipes on it, check it out >>>>>
Posted:  09/27/2012 21:21:56
@andrewo: Maybe a video still or even on rapid shot mode could be the answer
Posted:  09/27/2012 20:17:52
This is definitely going to be most viewed of the week and maybe even month!
Posted:  09/27/2012 19:49:13
Posted:  09/27/2012 18:26:50
Your photos look way better on Facebook:)
Posted:  09/27/2012 18:21:36
Taylor Swift lived there ^^ CRAZY GALLARDOR MAN
Posted:  09/27/2012 18:13:49
tmashphotos is awesome
i follow him on facebook hes always posting shots

love the photo
Posted:  09/27/2012 18:07:01
Wow! Insane shot! It captures perfectly the feeling of a racing game.
Posted:  09/27/2012 17:19:01
Way too cool!!! That is insane!! Awesome shot!!!! I love it!!!
Posted:  09/27/2012 17:08:52
Perfect shot!!!!!!!!!!
Definately like and favorite!!!!!
Screenshot of a video or rapid fire camera??? Or just perfect timing???
Posted:  09/27/2012 16:55:25
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