Lamborghini Gallardo  |  Spotted in Lone Tree, Colorado

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Lamborghini Gallardo spotted in Lone Tree, Colorado

Details on This Lamborghini Gallardo:

  • Location
    Lone Tree, Colorado
  • Description
    I just saw a gallardo superleggera at park meadows. The owner saw me as he was coming out of cheescake factory and walked up to me. i expected him to ask me to get away from his car but he didnt! Instead he opened it let me take pictures and even let me start it up. i will upload a video my friend took of him flooring it in neutral(link will be posted). I love owners like that. He also let a 3 year old put it in reverse. I saw him at the Cheese Cake Factory also.
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Comments (24 total)
Wow i love hearing cool stories about owners like him. If i had a sexy lambo i would do the same thing. L+F
Posted:  02/10/2014 20:35:15
Wow. That really is a lot of flooding. There's never any bad weather in Upstate New York but there's the occasional murder.
Posted:  09/17/2013 15:11:03
789 unaccounted now. This is just awful
Posted:  09/17/2013 12:48:42
I'm just tired of the flooding down here, there have been 4 deaths and about 500 unaccounted for
Posted:  09/17/2013 08:07:20
Posted:  09/17/2013 06:04:43
Not all the tim. mostly i think hes in new york. his veyron as been seen a couple times here tthough
Posted:  09/17/2013 00:28:52
Lol. Doesn't Ralph Lauren also live in Colorado?
Posted:  09/17/2013 00:04:42
A couple more enzos and less rain
Posted:  09/17/2013 00:01:22

Legalized marijuana for recreational purposes AND Lamborghini Superleggeras!!! What more could a state need.
Posted:  09/16/2013 23:59:16
Yeah Why?
Posted:  09/16/2013 23:38:35
Wait, i just realized. You live in Colorado?
Posted:  09/16/2013 23:18:37
The Superleggera i spotted was actually the first time i ever took a photo of a car and it was the car that got me into spotting.
Posted:  09/16/2013 23:17:06
You bet it was! I was so surprised to see a superleggera.
Posted:  09/16/2013 23:12:28
Oh, awesome.
Posted:  09/16/2013 23:09:03
Oh yeah its amazing and so LOUD. look at my youtube vid
Posted:  09/16/2013 22:18:06
Great spot!!!
I really want to see another Superleggera.
Posted:  09/16/2013 22:06:26
this isnt a spider. i talked to the guy and he registered it in cali and then brought it here.
Posted:  07/11/2013 20:25:16
No I didn't get pictures but I think it had Colorado Plates :(
but what I do know is that it was a superleggera Gallardo spyder
Posted:  07/11/2013 19:57:31
Did you get pics. Also was the plate SPRLGRA from california.
Posted:  07/11/2013 19:26:40
I saw saw this exact one on Caly street!! L/F
Posted:  07/11/2013 18:15:41
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