Jaguar XJ220  |  Spotted in Atlanta, Georgia

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Jaguar XJ220 spotted in Atlanta, Georgia

Details on This Jaguar XJ220:

  • Location
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • Description
    This was the 2nd time I spotted this awesome car. I found her on the interstate just outside of Atlanta. This is the exact car that Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) tested for the show.
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Comments (264 total)
Thank you Luke and to all of the ES members who have commented on this post through the years. I have enjoyed all 200+
Posted:  04/06/2015 19:19:33
West, congrats on 200 comments ;) haha
Posted:  04/06/2015 13:05:17
yes they will
Posted:  04/06/2015 11:46:01
 1 like
BBC will regret doing this...
Posted:  04/06/2015 09:42:22
Lamborarri, it's cause as we all know Clarkson was fired, and both May and Hammond resigned. The BBC had apparently said that they will be getting 3 guest presenters EACH show to host. Top Gear won't last another season without em. It was the BBC's biggest money maker.
Posted:  04/06/2015 00:32:07
Today the images of Jeremy, James, and Richard were removed from the Top Gear website, and now only the Stig remains. Say goodbye to Top Gear as we know it... :(
Posted:  04/05/2015 22:24:10
I thought Tiff was their Stig at one point though.
Posted:  03/31/2015 17:00:51
I've always been a Tiff Needell fan myself. Clarkson is all about drifting and making jokes, Tiff just truly loves cars, and drifts better. Tiff is also a professional racer, which makes him a more insightful presenter.
Posted:  03/27/2015 19:40:41
I feel the same way. All that happened to the producer was he had a bloody lip. big deal. at lest in my opinion
Posted:  03/26/2015 15:25:57
In the past he has just been known for shooting off his words. I have never read of him being violent or abusive. He should of worked it out with that producer and the network before the whole thing went public. Everybody makes a mistake in life. 21 seasons of being a team player should count for something.
Posted:  03/26/2015 15:18:52
Which side are you one. do you think Jeremy should of punched him?? I have heard the BBC has handled this very badly. Is it true
Posted:  03/26/2015 14:27:00
Not away from the internet, just away from the internet outside of Hulu. Lol
Posted:  03/25/2015 22:30:21
Why is he leaving?
Posted:  03/25/2015 22:17:55
I totally agree.
Posted:  03/25/2015 16:55:08
I feel sorry for whomever gets the job next. There is a reason why Clarkson lasted in that position for so long. He was the show imho.
Posted:  03/25/2015 16:43:06
Now BBC is trying to get Chris Evans (250 GTO owner) to take over for Jeremy.
Posted:  03/25/2015 16:37:13
He kept the show fun always. My favorite moment was when he showed the world that Michael Schumacher was the stig. Even though it was not him, who better then the guy with all the F1 records right!
Posted:  03/25/2015 16:29:47
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I heard a rumors that May and Hammond might try and find a new guy to start a different Top Gear-like show, I hope it happens. Clarkson will be missed though. What was your favorite thing he did while on the show? I think my favorite would have to be when he drove the Peel P50.
Posted:  03/25/2015 16:24:03
What was it 21 seasons? you know in the back of Clarkson's mind he was ready to move on and try something different anyways.. He will be missed. I wouldn't be surprised if an American show hires him on for a new series?
Posted:  03/25/2015 16:22:22
They actually think it can just go in without any drops in veiwes but we all now that won't happen
Posted:  03/25/2015 15:39:04
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