Ferrari Monza SP1  |  Spotted in Charlotte, North Carolina

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Ferrari Monza SP1 spotted in Charlotte, North Carolina

Details on This Ferrari Monza SP1:

  • Location
    Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Description
    Ferrari Monza SP1! This was near a dealership, but was not part of the dealership. It was about an hour before a show started. He took it out for a drive and some people tried to follow.
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  • Tags
    Green   Monza   Ultra Rare  
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Comments (34 total)
We wouldn’t be complaining if you put it in your discription
Posted:  07/25/2021 20:14:17
Avatar read the description on this post. go complain about that. that's how my story is too. and i mean even then, it was near the dealership but not owned by the dealership.
Posted:  07/25/2021 19:22:12
on another post that needs to be complained about
Posted:  07/25/2021 03:26:33
Where else?
Posted:  07/25/2021 03:10:47
there are a lot of things that shouldnt be on the site. this isnt nearly one of the worst. go complain somewhere else.
Posted:  07/25/2021 02:42:24
Shouldnt be on the site
Posted:  07/25/2021 01:40:47
It looks exactly like the entrance now that you sent a link @Mazdafreak lol
Posted:  06/17/2021 15:44:10
Probably everything else lol..
Posted:  06/16/2021 21:29:11
So now my claim of it being right outside of Foreign Cars Charlotte isn't untrue all of a sudden, I wonder what else isn't untrue...
Posted:  06/16/2021 16:11:38
it was driving on the street, and this was about an hour before the show.
Posted:  06/16/2021 15:43:07
This is what the other side of the street looks like from the entrance (rotate around to see the entrance to the dealership). I also saw a few videos of this car driving back and forth along this road while a car show was going on.,-80.8876318,3a,75y,158.27h,79.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLhOe7oTuJ4NLlBRcpnP_8Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
Posted:  06/16/2021 15:22:31
The picture was taken from the entrance to Foreign Cars Charlotte...
Posted:  06/14/2021 16:08:40
this was way before the show.
Posted:  06/07/2021 21:30:48
 1 like
Come on man. This was sold to a noted Ferrari collector in the Greensboro area by Foreign Cars Italia in Greensboro, and must have been brought to their Charlotte location for a show. I've been there many times and that building in the background is the Sam Ash music store.
Posted:  06/07/2021 03:19:55
I'm sure Greece's car market is very different than the US. No SP1 is 3 million here.
Posted:  06/06/2021 18:49:49
 1 like
L/F! This car is amazing. Never saw one in green before. Nice catch! By the way; the SP2 sold in Greece costs 2'950'000 EUR = around 3’589’130 USD!
Posted:  06/06/2021 18:03:52
 1 like
thank you so much. he is the owner by the way and this is not a dealer car. also, the lancia 037 is my second favorite car, im a big fan too
Posted:  06/06/2021 17:41:38
hey guys come on; this is a cool pic and I don't care if the guy is the owner or not; damn, this is a MONZA SP1!!!!! L/F for sure
@KoenigseggFan53: I like your profile-pic (I love the Lancia R037) ;)
Posted:  06/06/2021 16:55:27
i dont really see it, but i guess it's a tiny bit similar. just a little bit
Posted:  06/06/2021 16:18:53
It kinda looks like a slingshot XD
Posted:  06/06/2021 16:12:47
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