Ferrari 458 Italia  |  Spotted in Boca Raton, Florida

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Ferrari 458 Italia spotted in Boca Raton, Florida

Details on This Ferrari 458 Italia:

  • Location
    Boca Raton, Florida
  • Description
    Mizner park
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    Ferrari 458 blackandwhite  
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Comments (12 total)
Damn. I didn't get a chance to go spotting last night. Just went to a friends house. I know there were a Tom of cars out last night.....happy new year to all!!
Posted:  01/01/2013 12:02:20
I saw an SLR, two Phantoms, three Bentley Continentals, and a F430 valet parked at the restaurant in the middle of Mizner Park today. The SLR was attracting a lot of attention. It was this one: I will post the pics once I get the usb wire for my camera that I ordered online.
Posted:  12/31/2012 23:11:56
i wish i lived in a better place for carspotting, athens, ga just isnt cuttin it for me
Posted:  12/24/2012 22:39:33
I only took pics of the matte white Cali and the Maybach 62s but I haven't posted them yet.
Posted:  12/24/2012 16:22:26
Wow!!! Did u post them?
Posted:  12/24/2012 10:55:48
I went to the Cinemark Palace again tonight to actually see a movie. There was a 458 and a Granturismo when I went in and three black RR Phantoms and a matte white California when I came out.
Posted:  12/23/2012 23:11:59
@Jason You know what place is really a gold mine? The Cinemark Palace on Airport Rd. Yesterday I saw a California and a Maybach 62s. There are always great cars there on Fri and Sat night. I have seen Gallardos, F430s, 458s, and two heavily modified Porsches. Look at my first page of pics to see the two Porsches.
Posted:  12/23/2012 17:27:43
it seriously is, there and the mall. I feel spoiled every time i visit my family down there
Posted:  12/22/2012 22:47:46
@kdavis21... That place is a Goldmine
Posted:  12/22/2012 19:20:50
Posted:  12/22/2012 18:50:39
I just saw a Gallardo and two 360 Modenas when I went on Tuesday night.
Posted:  12/22/2012 17:42:28
of course mizner park haha i saw a California and a db9 last time i was there, great spot
Posted:  12/22/2012 13:25:24
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