Description I was really excited when i spotted this. Then i remembered that there are lots of 250 GTO replicas. Does anyone know if this is a real one?
It's a good replica, the back window is way off as someone said and the headlights are off as well, seeing a real one outside of a show or near a show is a small miracle, they are never driven. Too risky.
I have seen one real one in the flesh (serial # 3729GT) and it was an amazing experience. I have also seen one re-bodied car that was originally a Ferrari 250 GTE that was converted to a 250 GTO body. I talked to the owner and he said that there were a few other conversions he knew about. I guess there's a chance the car you saw was still a real Ferrari of some sort underneath, it certainly doesn't look like a Datsun or Fiero kit car!
Back window glass is flat, not curved like on a real one. Also, the side windows on a real one are split and slide towards the back of the car, although some have been converted to roll-down so that isn't always a tell. Oh, and I've never seen a real one that actually had the "Ferrari" logo on the trunk lid. Other than those minor details whoever put that one together did a pretty good job!
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