Bugatti Veyron  |  Spotted in Rotterdam, Netherlands

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Bugatti Veyron spotted in Rotterdam, Netherlands

Details on This Bugatti Veyron:

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    Rotterdam, Netherlands
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    Bugatti   Veyron   16.9   Grand   Sport   CarSpottingRotterdam  
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  • Spotter's rating: 296 (What's This?)
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  • Last active: 30 June 2014, 20:36
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Comments (23 total)
Amazing shot. I love these kinds of angles. You put the camera on the ground, right? Can't believe I never saw this. L/F.
Posted:  12/09/2013 12:49:05
Cool, I wanna go there
Posted:  12/02/2013 20:52:15
Most people i know who've been there have been allowed to sit in some.
Posted:  12/02/2013 19:59:20
They don't say nothing?
Posted:  12/02/2013 19:48:50
It's a dealership, i think you just walk in.
Posted:  12/02/2013 19:22:50
No man, I really want to, but when can u, plus is it like a tour or something?
Posted:  12/02/2013 15:37:32
I really want to go back to NYC. Did you visit Manhattan Motorcars when you were there? They always have some awesome cars in stock.
Posted:  12/01/2013 23:38:35
Lol, guess they r less "exotic" lol, but I did manage to go to the Ferrari store in nyc and check out the f12, 458, and the ff. great experience their!
Posted:  12/01/2013 21:22:21
Oh. Lol. Most active military people i see with exotics are in GT500s, Corvettes, and Camaros.
Posted:  12/01/2013 18:24:14
Seemed like a military general
Posted:  12/01/2013 18:15:44
Lol. A sturdy dude?
Posted:  12/01/2013 17:43:55
I saw an old gallardo with a sturdy dude in it
Posted:  12/01/2013 17:27:18
So simple and beautiful. Love the angle and composition!
Posted:  12/01/2013 05:05:58
I hadn't even seen a single Gallardo this year. Only exotic i've seen since September is an S281 and a Model S.
Posted:  11/30/2013 23:55:13
No luck, just some maserati's and gallardo's and nothing much, but I don't blame them since it's freezing outside, how about you
Posted:  11/30/2013 23:30:34
Lol. Weird reason to be banned.

But not much. Snowing here now so no exotics. You?
Posted:  11/30/2013 23:11:40
Remember with the bugatti thing, the spotter thought I called him a Duma!! But I was actually pointing that towards the bugatti owner, that's why I lost my account, so what's been up!
Posted:  11/30/2013 22:36:22
Oh yeah, thought you were someone else for a moment there. So many people on this site now with "Lambo" at the beginning of their name.

Why were you deleted btw?
Posted:  11/30/2013 22:03:55
Sam, lambobull remember, I had my acc deleted for some reason so I decided to make a new one, remember from nj
Posted:  11/30/2013 19:21:16
I dont know who you are.
Posted:  11/30/2013 15:09:04
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