Audi R8  |  Spotted in Auckland Central, New Zealand

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Audi R8 spotted in Auckland Central, New Zealand

Details on This Audi R8:

  • Location
    Auckland Central, New Zealand
  • Description
    Saw this R8 GT near Auckland University - often see it driving around the city, great number plate :P AUR8DI
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  • Spotter's rating: 1349 (What's This?)
  • Offline Status
  • Last active: 06 June 2015, 04:15
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Comments (6 total)
Haha, that's allgood for sticking up for ya bro. I know exactly how you feel! Terrible drivers in NZ! This is why if I ever get the car of my dreams, I will move out of NZ so I will have a smaller chance of dying cause of some insanely terrible driver.
Posted:  05/01/2015 06:02:53
Thanks 21Luke21

Yes, I appreciate all that, I wasn't having a dig at your website - just using it in the hope of alerting other unsuspecting road users to this particular menace behind the wheel of a nice car. Great photo, with the blind looking guy being the added bonus. And also thanks for picking up and correcting my spelling mistake. Now I'll know a douchebag when I see one. -- D
Posted:  04/30/2015 23:53:24
 1 like
Dearns, unfortunately some owners are douchebags, and we can't control that. Most exotic car owners are awesome, they allow me to get photos, sit in their cars etc, but you stumble upon that one owner who doesn't allow you to take photos or doesn't allow you near the car. There's always one... Glad to see you weren't hit by the car dearns, just crazy drivers.
Posted:  04/30/2015 12:52:07
I just hope he wasn't going to run down the blind-looking guy (apologies to B-LG if you're not actually legally blind - and just pretending), as he almost did to me tonight at the intersection of Durham St West and Albert St in downtown Auckland. Nice looking car, could do with a better driver, and someone with better manners than to call out to an elderly pedestrian walking home from work "you piece of sh*t." I'll spare you delicate souls the rest, but not a great look for the Audi badge I'd imagine. What a douchbag!
Posted:  04/30/2015 07:29:54
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Nice spot!
Posted:  02/08/2015 00:20:51
Ive seen this before too! Parked outside a hotel on Albert Street
Posted:  12/15/2014 21:34:05
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