Aston Martin DB9  |  Spotted in Cary, North Carolina

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Aston Martin DB9 spotted in Cary, North Carolina

Details on This Aston Martin DB9:

  • Location
    Cary, North Carolina
  • Description
    Nice DB9 I saw in Cary a while back. I was walking around the area hoping to run across an exotic, then this blasted past me. I ran after it, but to no avail, as it turned onto another road before I could get close enough for a good shot. So I watched it take off - before turning into a Harris Teeter/Walmart plaza. I would appreciate feedback : )
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    aston martin db9 volante north carolina  
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Comments (10 total)
You have an excellent memory Nick! So far in 2015 Atlanta has not disappointed me. You would have a blast here!
Posted:  05/26/2015 05:33:37
 1 like
Yeah I hope so too. I'll definitely give you a heads up if I ever manage to make it to Atlanta (especially if it's in the Buckhead area). I've got a couple of relatives down there but haven't ever had a chance to visit them in their home state. I see a lot more exotics in Charlotte than I do's not crazy like that day you saw 22 Ferraris in Atlanta, but on a decent day I'll still see 15, maybe 20, exotics if I spot for long enough. Most are just Bentleys and Maseratis, but it's still a lot better than in Raleigh. The most exotics I have ever seen in a day here was like five, and it's been a while since I've gotten anywhere close to that.
Posted:  05/25/2015 14:07:44
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Nick I hope that in the course of the year you can make your way to Atlanta or even better Miami to spot!
Posted:  05/25/2015 12:01:19
Thanks West, I don't see many Astons up here in the Raleigh area (only a handful per year), so I try to take advantage of the ones I can photograph.
Posted:  05/25/2015 11:55:24
Nick you always find a way to capture the best angle of every car you spot when ever it's possible.
Posted:  05/25/2015 10:34:37
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Posted:  10/30/2013 19:21:36
Posted:  10/30/2013 15:13:08
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Thanks guys! It's actually blue, although it's a bit hard to tell from this angle.
Posted:  10/29/2013 20:27:22
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Looks sick!
Posted:  10/29/2013 20:05:05
Nice find! These look great in Black!
Posted:  10/29/2013 20:02:46
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