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New Ranking System

Jun 25, 2013

Our New Ranking System Highlights Best Spotters

We have launched a new rating system that ranks spotters based on the quality of their photo submissions. The new ranking system adds a gaming element to the site and rewards those who upload good quality photos consistently.


How do the rankings work?

There are several different components  including overall likes, favorites, comments and other factors. We will not be disclosing the exact algorithm we use in order to prevent gaming the system, but we can assure you that everyone has the same chance of ranking and we do not manually override any parameters.


What should I do to increase my ranking?

The answer is pretty simple: upload good quality photos and receive good community feedback. If your images get more likes and favorites - it's good for your rating. If you upload an image which no one is interested in - it's not good for your rating. If high-ranking spotters like your photos - it adds more to your rating. And so on.


We want to ask everyone not to get into heated arguments about his/her rating, analyzing competitor's uploads or blaming them for some misdeeds. We are not going to tweak the rating personally for any particular spotters.

You can see a list of the top-rated spotters here:

Comments (179 total)
I largely stopped commenting on other people's photos a while ago, because then when others comment on the same photo it shows up under Comments at the top of the page and I have to keep going back to those photos to clear that. Is there a way to comment without then being alerted every time someone else comments on the same photo?
Posted:  07/24/2013 08:21:54
The moment there is a ranking system in place, this site becomes more about getting a better score than the next guy and less about sharing pics of exotics. That's not what I'm here for. I could care less about my ranking. I just want to share with the world my spots. I'm sure many would agree.

There are major flaws to this ranking system too. Such as... High-ranking spotters have more "influence" and can decide to not comment on other people's excellent spots anymore to avoid helping others get a higher ranking.
Posted:  07/12/2013 14:10:44
my rank is 961 right now, is that any good? and because i don't upload the best pictures and my ranking (i think) is low, it would'nt have as much influence on peoples pictures me liking them and i think it should be the same as i like + favoruite alot of photo's and what they probably want is a high ranked spoter to like there photo's and whatabout if you know someone who is a highranked spotter? would that be unfair? sorry, correct me if im wrong, i dont' understand 100% of it all.
Posted:  07/11/2013 16:55:07
So is it the lower the score the better?
Posted:  07/06/2013 05:59:43
Unless its illegal/ god awful quality, i like it always
Posted:  06/28/2013 11:36:13
Nevermind about people being selfish, I've actually noticed an increase in likes/comments!! :)
Posted:  06/26/2013 20:36:19
I never paid attention to the ratings system before and I won't pay any attention to it now. I'm here to share with the community the spots I've taken.

And I like interacting with people who have posted nice shots. I'm not interested in numbers.
Posted:  06/26/2013 19:59:24
Well I've noticed a thing: now the spotter comment more than yesterday...
Posted:  06/26/2013 14:59:28
Good idea but this will make our community unequal
Posted:  06/26/2013 13:35:24
1) We have never said that our ranking is based solely on likes. It takes them into account, yes. But likes is just a component of the overall rating.

2) High ranked members's opinion can be a bit more "important". You can't get a high rank without uploading good photos and understanding smth. in good spotting. So if you get a high rating and like someone't image - it means the image is good and this opinion is trusted. Otherwise anyone can create 10 fake empty accounts and keep liking his own images - not fair.

3) Some can say that it would be unworthy to like a "competitor's" spots to avoid making his ranking better. Everyone can stop liking, finally. Well, we can assure you that our ranking will be fair anyway and it will be about image's quality only. So there is no point in doing that.

4) At the very end, ranking is just to underline the spotter's spots quality. It's not to earn money. It should be pleasing for good spotter to find out that his ranking is high enough (he has earned it), and it should be an incentive for others not to upload bad/illegal shots. This is the purpose of the ranking system.
Posted:  06/25/2013 23:52:14
I think it should solely be based on:

A) How often you are on
B) The quality of your photos
C) How well you get along with the rest of the community
D) How often you like and comment on somebody else's photos (e.g. Giving them likes/favorites, giving them nice compliments and constructive criticism (not like Gordon Ramsay))
Posted:  06/25/2013 23:29:33
I think that it shouldn't just be based on likes and everything, but activity. How often you are on, how often you like and favourite people's photos, how often you comment etc.
Posted:  06/25/2013 22:23:29
I'm also not a fan of the feature where you say "If high-ranking spotters like your photos - it adds more to your rating." Because that makes it so the lower ranking spotters have less influence on the ratings than the high ranking ones. It's pretty class system like and i like everyone being equal.
Posted:  06/25/2013 21:38:44
ES right now:

"Oh, nice 911 GT3. I gave it a like :)"
"Yeah, nice spot"

What ES is going to be like with this new upgrade:

"I would give this a like, but I want to keep my ranking. Sucks to be you"
Posted:  06/25/2013 20:14:08
I agree with DJ....but if you don't like it...just don't look at the spotters page! :D
Posted:  06/25/2013 18:03:45
It's a nice idea and all but truthfully i think this is going to turn ES into even more of a competition and that's just going to tear apart our community. It was so peaceful back when ES was just a nice, non competetive hobby to meet other spotters and car enthusiasts/owners but now it's turning into a game. Some people may like that idea more but others may think this is harming us. I'm not quite sure what side i'm on yet but who knows what this addition will do. Just my opinion.
Posted:  06/25/2013 16:56:13

Posted:  06/25/2013 15:55:54
Great Idea but some people might get selfish and stop liking and commenting because they want to be the best :(
Hopefully this does not happen :)
Posted:  06/25/2013 15:26:41
Great news! Well done!
Posted:  06/25/2013 14:46:04
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