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New Ranking System

Jun 25, 2013

Our New Ranking System Highlights Best Spotters

We have launched a new rating system that ranks spotters based on the quality of their photo submissions. The new ranking system adds a gaming element to the site and rewards those who upload good quality photos consistently.


How do the rankings work?

There are several different components  including overall likes, favorites, comments and other factors. We will not be disclosing the exact algorithm we use in order to prevent gaming the system, but we can assure you that everyone has the same chance of ranking and we do not manually override any parameters.


What should I do to increase my ranking?

The answer is pretty simple: upload good quality photos and receive good community feedback. If your images get more likes and favorites - it's good for your rating. If you upload an image which no one is interested in - it's not good for your rating. If high-ranking spotters like your photos - it adds more to your rating. And so on.


We want to ask everyone not to get into heated arguments about his/her rating, analyzing competitor's uploads or blaming them for some misdeeds. We are not going to tweak the rating personally for any particular spotters.

You can see a list of the top-rated spotters here:

Comments (128 total)
Thanks for sharing this one. <a
Posted:  05/31/2022 06:18:17
Glad to visit this one. Thanks for the information.
Posted:  05/26/2022 15:38:37
This new ranking is something interesting!
Posted:  05/11/2022 07:11:07
Thank you for posting this information about the new ranking system!
Posted:  05/10/2022 13:07:37
The new system is great.
Posted:  05/09/2022 11:27:50
We will not be disclosing the exact algorithm we use in order to prevent gaming the system, but we can assure you that everyone has the same chance of ranking and we do not manually override any parameters,
Posted:  05/03/2022 16:06:00
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Read more:
Posted:  03/31/2022 14:32:16
I didn't even care what my rating was going to be when I first joined the site. I just picked a great shot of mine and put it up for the community to enjoy. Even 11 months later and now being a Hero Member, I could give a flying fladoodle about my rank.
Posted:  10/19/2020 09:12:50
Thats rank sistem is improve more excited, happy to hear that

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Posted:  09/08/2020 07:49:40
with the new rules, of course I will try again to provide the best car photos to be displayed later on this website, thank you for the information

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Posted:  05/02/2020 09:28:00
very interesting, with a rating like this we can know which is always active in providing the best photos. your can visit my site too
Posted:  04/29/2020 23:36:18
Nice info, and its nice to have ranking system. So every user have reason to post someting.

my site:
Posted:  04/29/2020 08:17:57
Thank you
Posted:  01/10/2019 04:24:31
I just use my phone and post because it's a bit of fun. I don't care where I stand as long as others get some enjoyment..... Keep life simple.
Posted:  06/17/2016 00:12:32
 1 like
nice !
Posted:  09/08/2015 00:23:14
I didn't even care what my rating was going to be when I first joined the site. I just picked a great shot of mine and put it up for the community to enjoy. Even 11 months later and now being a Hero Member, I could give a flying fladoodle about my rank. Everytime a new spot is put up (unless you can tell it's not legit), I put at least a like on it because that spotter put their time into getting a shot of it. In my opinion, the ranking system just tells people their popularity level, something that has never mattered to me at all.
Posted:  05/03/2015 16:53:16
I car not about ranks
Posted:  10/22/2014 13:48:15
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