I've read about that a while ago, and I'm pretty sure that spotting is not banned there. When you look
here you'll see that there are still a lot of photos being upload at the Dubai Mall.
And ontopic: I get a few weird looks when I spot cars in a town near me, probably because I'm the only guy who goes there 3 times a day in the summer just to take pictures of cars. Altough there are also a few people who come to me to talk about the car or some other car they've seen there. The best reaction probably comes from the owners. Sadly I've never been invited to sit in the car, but being allowed to take a few shots of the interior is good enough for me. Especially when the interior is of a TechArt GT Street R. And it was also really nice of an SLS owner to take a break from eating his lunch to come over and open the doors for me.
I've found that when you're spotting in London there aren't too many people looking weird at you because I think they've gotten used to spotters by now. Although I had a woman look weird at me when I was taking pictures of an F355.
Last modified by
maxim380, 28 November 2014, 08:15