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Uploading Tips

Aug 21, 2012

Time and again, we've been having the same issues come up when it comes to photo submissions. Here are some tips and guidelines we'd like to ask you to follow when submitting and reporting photos.


1) Stolen Images:

We want to thank our members for being active at identifing stolen photos and reporting it. Just one tip: before reporting, please make sure you have decent proof and include that proof in your report.

If you are able to find the exact same image on another site, it doesn't necessarily mean the image is stolen. There's a chance the spotter has posted it on the other site. So please try to check facts before reporting and/or posting accusations in comments.

There have been cases when all the reports and accusations were just wrong. For example, the following two photos were reported stolen many times, but it turned out everything was legitimate.

Ferrari Enzo spotted in Samedan, Switzerland on 09/15/2006  Bugatti Veyron spotted in Montreal, Canada on 06/09/2012, photo 6

For those who upload stolen photos, we have no choice but to delete your account, so please don't do it.


2) Posting Non-Exotic Cars

We've had many submissions of vehicles that are not exotic.
Arguments are often the same: "I know it's not exotic but this is the first time I've seen this on the road" or "I know it's not exotic but it looks so cool". If it's not an exotic car, the photos will not be accepted.

 If for some reason you are 100% sure the image deserves to be posted here - please provide a thorough explanation in the description.


3) Submitting Photos to the Wrong Category

Often spotters will select the wrong category just because they can't find the proper one. Sometimes we don't have the proper category on the site, so people will try to upload to a similar category. For example, we've had Porsche Cayman submitted as a 911 or Audi TT as R8.

If you can't find the proper selection, please submit under the "Other" category. We closely monitor the "Other" category and will create new vehicle categories as needed.


4) Only 2 Photos Per Spotting

 Please upload only 2 images per spotting. They should be two completely different angles of the vehicle, choose the two best ones. Sometimes we receive almost the same image with only tiny differences. Please, don't upload the second image if it looks almost the same and brings no new details.


5) Low Quality Images

We understand that it's sometimes difficult to get a good shot of a vehicle, but please be mindful of the quality you upload. We can accept somewhat blurry images, but they must be interesting.

Don't upload pictures of very common exotics that are parked, blurry and dark. We expect the quality of these photos to be good to excellent. For super exotics like a Bugatti Veyron, we'll make more of an exception on low quality.


6) No Descriptions

Please don't post empty or meaningless descriptions.
We all want to know more about the spot, so why keep it secret?
If you're posting a Ferrari F430 image, then what is the point in a 2-word
description "Ferrari F430"? At least describe the exact location you spotted it along with the time of day.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. By following these guidelines, it will make it easier for us to maintain and grow the site for you guys.

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