Spotter AncasterCars
Spotter's rating: 675 (What's This?)
AncasterCars's profile
  • Name Tyler Sartor
  • Age 29
  • Gender Male
  • About Me Hey , my name is Tyler Sartor. I am an exotic car fanatic. I love photography, I love taking dynamic photos of cars, nature, and amazing houses. I am very approachable as person and a probably share many interests as you would. As I am approaching my late teen years I'm starting to look at my future. Obviously I want to do something that motivates me to continue striving for what I want, without suffering and losing what I love to do. Im currently looking to get into Mac for a B.Com. If someone were to ask me what my dream would be I would have to say one of two things. One being a Professional Racer. My other dream job doesn't have an actual name but I meet a very interesting person a couple years back who arrived to a car show with a Gallardo & a SLR 722. After having a long and exciting conversation with the man he explained to me that he is asked by car company or private owners to get there car's out and promote them at showings while taking professional pictures for the owner.
  • Interests Obviously Exotics , Photography and architecture.